How to cope with things that are out of your control
It’s not easy knowing there are some aspects of life where we have limited or no control. And, learning how to accept life’s curveballs can be extremely difficult. Just know – feeling overwhelmed by these circumstances is completely understandable, and finding ways to help manage how you cope with these situations can lead you to live a happier, healthier life. Below are steps you can take to cope with things beyond your control.
Determine what you are able to control
When something happens that’s out of your control and it makes you uncomfortable, shift your focus to what you can control – your perception. A new, fresh perspective on various aspects of life can jolt us into a better mindset. You might not be in charge of a situation, but you can certainly dictate your own attitude, reaction and plan of action moving forward. A great way to start is by adopting positive behavioral habits, such as writing your feelings down on paper.
Focus on the present
Most anxieties come from things we can’t change (the past) or things we can’t predict (the future). Try to shift your mindset to focus on the present. Overthinking can be debilitating – use …