How to maintain your mental health while social distancing
As a society, we’re experiencing truly unprecedented times together. With the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), our normal daily schedules have been completely altered. Social distancing may be our best way to prevent further spreading of COVID-19, but we realize that at times, this can be a difficult process. South Bay wants to encourage you to take some time and find ways to best cope with stress and anxiety while practicing social distancing. Below we’ve outlined ways you can continue to care for your mental health during isolation.
Take a short break from the news
We understand that paying attention to news updates is more important than ever at this time, and you should stay informed. However, we encourage you to take some time away from your television, computer or phone screen each day. Listening to news cycles and scrolling through social media for long amounts of time can be upsetting and unhealthy. Read a book, try a new recipe or take on a new project at home to pass the time.
Take care of your body
Take breaks throughout the day to go on a walk or exercise in your home. When you begin experiencing feelings of stress or …