Post-grad depression: How to deal with it

Post-grad depression: How to deal with it

From kindergarten through college, school is one of the main constants in a young adult’s life. Even though exams, projects and homework can be overwhelming and stressful for students, attending school provides a structure and potential support system that some people...

How to cope with things that are out of your control

How to cope with things that are out of your control

It’s not easy knowing there are some aspects of life where we have limited or no control. And, learning how to accept life’s curveballs can be extremely difficult. Just know - feeling overwhelmed by these circumstances is completely understandable, and finding ways to...

Mental health in the workplace

Mental health in the workplace

The fast-paced work environments employees often experience can lead to stress, burnout and, more importantly, challenges with managing mental health. Mental well-being among employees should be a top priority within the ranks of company leadership, as addressing...

Monitoring your child’s screen time: Let’s talk about it

Monitoring your child’s screen time: Let’s talk about it

Last month, a story in the media about a social media challenge directed at children and young adults, called the “Momo Challenge,” created unease in parents throughout the country. The challenge turned out to be a social media hoax and no reports of children...

Helping teens care about mental health

Helping teens care about mental health

Every teenager is going to experience pressure at some point in his life – pressure to achieve academically, pressure to fit in, pressure to establish a career path, etc. With the increasing demands put on teens today, it’s essential for them to understand the...

Sleep and your child’s mental health

Sleep and your child’s mental health

It’s no secret - sleep is an essential factor when it comes to your child’s overall health and development. While a few bad nights can be normal, children with persistent sleeping problems could lead to temperament, learning and social behavior issues. Below, we...

Have you told yourself how awesome you are today?

Have you told yourself how awesome you are today?

The impending stress of the holiday season can bring about a mix of emotions, especially to those dealing with mental health challenges. We all could benefit from reminders about how valuable we are. Sometimes, we have to be the one to give that reminder. Always...

Can the environment impact your mental health?

Can the environment impact your mental health?

Have you ever considered the effects the environment has on your mental health? You might have noticed a correlation between dreary weather and dreary attitudes. This happens because humans have an innate awareness and need for comfortable environments – both...