Depression: Just because it’s not visible, doesn’t mean it’s not real
There are many faces of depression.
For some, depression can be so severe it’s crippling – keeping them from accomplishing day-to-day tasks. For others, getting out of bed and going through life’s motions is possible, but inwardly, they may be absorbed with a challenging set of symptoms invisible to those who know them. These individuals are considered to have high-functioning depression.
Because those suffering from this are able to function normally, the people surrounding them may not realize what they’re feeling inside. It’s important to understand, however, that this diagnosis can carry significant risks if left untreated.
Do you have a loved one who’s seemed ‘off’ lately? It might be time to reach out and talk about his or her mental health. Below, we outline feelings individuals suffering from high-functioning depression may experience – even though they don’t always show them.
Those suffering from high-functioning depression may experience a constant worry – over their past, present and future. This doubt is inescapable and much more pervasive than the normal worries most of us experience over life’s stressors.
High-functioning depression can cause insistent criticality – of oneself and of others. Those suffering from high-functioning depression are often their own …