Can the environment impact your mental health?
Have you ever considered the effects the environment has on your mental health? You might have noticed a correlation between dreary weather and dreary attitudes. This happens because humans have an innate awareness and need for comfortable environments – both physically comfortable and psychologically comfortable. Sometimes, it may be difficult to find those comforts during the bleak, winter months.
While you can’t control the weather, you can take control of your mental health. The weather might be gloomy, but that doesn’t mean your outlook has to be! Below, we offer ways to boost your spirits and take care of yourself this winter.
Turn on the lights
Or better yet, open the blinds and draw the curtains. Rooms with bright light – both natural and artificial – can improve health outcomes, such as depression and anxiety. Take note of how you feel once you’re surrounded by light. If you notice a positive change, make an effort to keep your house lit, to some degree, day and night.
Find activities that make you feel good
It’s easy to get caught up in a routine of work, eat, sleep and repeat. Make an effort to take time out of each day to do …