How to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners

How to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners

As we begin a new year and a new decade, we encourage you to establish healthy coping mechanisms that you can use to ease the stress of the daily struggles life throws at you. If you haven’t given meditation a try, we strongly suggest it! Many first-time meditators find it difficult to focus and find it strange to sit in silence. However, with a little practice, meditation is a wonderful way to calm your mind and to feel at ease. Below, we offer a few tips on how to get started.

Step #1 – Find a quiet space

First, find a quiet area in your home, office, car or wherever you’re comfortable. If a completely silent atmosphere is uncomfortable for you, play meditation music on your phone or turn on a white noise machine. Before beginning, it may be beneficial to set an alarm on your phone to avoid having to check the clock.  

Step #2 – Focus on your body and breathing

Close your eyes and take two deep breaths to begin. It’s important to mentally scan your body for areas of comfort, discomfort and tension. While doing so, take deep breaths in and out – familiarize yourself with …

Three ways to beat seasonal depression

Three ways to beat seasonal depression

The winter months are usually considered a time of happiness and joy, but for some, it can be a tough period of time to get through. Whether you’re battling anxiety over having to socialize during the holidays, depression over thoughts of a loved one you’ve recently lost, etc., know that you’re not alone. Seasonal Affective Disorder can cause a change in your mood, appetite or sleeping habits, and it’s extremely common during the colder, darker winter months. Below, we offer a few tips on how to overcome seasonal depression. 

Spend time in the sun

Take at least a few minutes every day to spend time outdoors or sit near a window. Bright light – both natural and artificial – can improve health outcomes, such as depression and anxiety. So, take a walk when it’s sunny out or purchase sunlight imitators for those dreary days. 

Stay active

Although it may be hard to leave your warm bed during the winter, consider partaking in winter sports, holiday shopping with friends or sightseeing to improve your mood. Exercise is a great way to produce endorphins, which trigger positive feelings. Find positive activities that will help you express and control your emotions.  

Set limits

Mental health benefits of expressing gratitude

Mental health benefits of expressing gratitude

The holiday season can bring a mix of emotions to those battling mental health challenges. However, if you choose to reframe the way you look at and respond to certain situations, you might find that you feel recharged and rejuvenated. We encourage you to choose gratitude this holiday season, as allowing yourself to have a grateful mind can positively impact your mental health and well-being. Let us explain! 

Gratitude can boost your relationships. 

Expressing your appreciation for the relationships you’ve cultivated will make a difference in both your life and theirs. If this makes you feel a little uncomfortable, just remember – chances are they need to hear it more than you know. Text them. Call them. Direct message them. Email them. Visit them in person. The way in which you show your gratitude for others doesn’t matter – just make sure you’ve made it known. Your message of thanks can be as detailed or as brief as you want it to be. A little gratitude can go a long way. 

Gratitude can enhance your self-esteem. 

Think about how empowered you’ll feel if you stop comparing and begin appreciating. Everyone is following their own path, and grateful people are

Seeing a mental health clinician: It’s not so scary

Seeing a mental health clinician: It’s not so scary

For some, the thought of attending a counseling session isn’t easy. In fact, it can feel terrifying. It’s because there’s a stigma placed on mental health – a common misconception that seeing a clinician means there’s something “wrong” with you. We disagree. Asking for help indicates you are taking control of your life and of your mental health. While this can be scary, the things that often scare us are great opportunities for us to step up and grow. You may find that facing your fears will prove to be empowering, rather than petrifying.

Need a little more reassurance? Below, a few South Bay clients share how counseling sessions with our clinicians have impacted their lives.


“I have been attending South Bay for four months. South Bay has helped me regain my morals and values again. It has helped me to build upon my spiritual, physical and mental health. I was at a point where I was lacking in my life, and I needed South Bay. They were right there when I called. Just be open and honest with yourself while you’re here. Work on the issues you need to work on. Allow yourself the opportunity for the staff

Circuit cleaning: A strategy for decluttering

Circuit cleaning: A strategy for decluttering

By: Kelly M., senior clinician at South Bay

According to, a circuit is defined as a roughly circular line, route or movement that starts and finishes at the same place or an established itinerary of events or venues used for a particular activity. Beautiful! What does that have to do with decluttering, you might ask? Well, before I get to that, we need a bit more information.

The first thing you want to consider when setting a decluttering goal – what needs decluttering? Perhaps you struggle with Hoarding Disorder and want to declutter your home or perhaps you want to declutter your lifestyle by placing restrictions or limits on people or behaviors. Regardless of your specific answer, this technique can be useful, but it’s important to have a clear idea in mind.

The second thing to ask yourself – are you willing to dedicate the time and energy to accomplish this decluttering project? If it seems like the universe is out to get you, it might not be the right time. This doesn’t mean you cannot work on this, but you may need to be creative with your timing and attention.

Let’s segue into attention now. Maybe you …

Debunking myths about mental strength

Debunking myths about mental strength

Mental strength is the way you think, feel and behave during certain situations. Building mental strength will help you gain self-acceptance while working toward self-improvement. However, there are several misconceptions about what mental strength is and why it’s important. Below, we discuss common myths about developing mental strength.

Myth #1: Mental strength and mental health are the same thing.

Mental strength and mental health, although they may coincide, are not the same thing. Mental health isn’t something we can control – mental strength is. Factors such as genetics and past life experiences can lead to someone developing a mental health challenge, but this doesn’t mean that person isn’t mentally strong. Everyone has the ability to build mental strength, regardless of whether they have depression, anxiety, etc.

Myth #2: You’re either mentally strong or mentally weak.

There is no physical line that separates those who are mentally strong from those who are mentally weak. Everyone has room for improvement when it comes to building their mental strength, and working toward developing that strength does not mean that you’re weak. Just as increased physical strength requires daily work, so does mental strength. Coming to terms with the areas where we can grow …